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Commercial Financing Inquiry

Super Brokers uses this form solely for the purpose of commercial mortgage qualification. Once filled out, it will remain strictly confidential. This form is secure, so please provide the following information to the best of your ability to help Super Brokers get started on finding the right mortgage for you and your business. Submitting this form will not result in any charge, obligation or commitment. All business inquires are welcome, large or small. Click here to choose a different mortgage application form.

Please be advised of the following before proceeding with this type of request:
  • The terms available for commercial loans differ immensely from those available on residential products. Due to the higher risk associated with commercial financing, commercial loans are attributed increased limitations and rates over residential loans.
  • Commercial loans and mortgages are subject to a administration/placement fee that is payable
    by you the Borrower.
  • The time to approve your file can be as long as 3 weeks.
Please discuss with our commercial agent if you have any concerns or questions.

Section 1
Personal Information
Mr Mrs Ms
First name
Last name
Date of birth

SIN (optional)
Marital status


Current street address

Postal code
Years there

E-mail address
Cell phone
Fax line
Work phone
Legal name of company requiring financing
Current position / title
Company type

Section 2
Commercial Property Type
Automotive Healthcare Mixed-use Renovation (existing)
Bed & breakfast Hotel/Motel Multi-unit/Apartment Rental property
Commercial condo Industrial property Office/Retail building Warehouse/Distributon
Construction (new) Investment property Parcel of land Other Specialty

Section 3
Mortgage Request Information
Additional amount needed  $
Desired term  
Purchase price / Value $ Purchase date (Approximate)  
Down payment / Equity $ Down payment source  
Property address

Postal code

Section 4
Comments (Please provide any additional information which could help us with your request)

By filling out this secure online mortgage application, I/we hereby authorize CanEquity Mortgage to obtain a credit report and make any necessary inquiries regarding the mortgage application and to release this information to any approved lender who may be willing to provide funds on my/our behalf as stated in the CanEquity Mortgage Privacy Policy and the Online Service Agreement outlined below.

I/we also understand that there are fees associated with commercial mortgage fulfillment and understand that I am responsible for paying these fees.

After submitting this form, you will see a new screen containing a confirmation number.
If the screen does not change, please try the button again.

Form: HS8-H1C0S0-O Type: Commercial Financing